When Worship Experiments Collide!

Our annual Friendsgiving Dinner Church Potluck was filled with delicious foods, good stories, and songs around an inclusive colorful table! And it is at one big ol’ crowded table that our worship experiments COLLIDE!

We used candles from past creative church experiments (candle painting and advent wreath making) as our centerpiece and ended up with a unique waxy art piece that allowed people to play even after the meal was finished.

But have no fear we don’t waste at echoes and all the wax was reclaimed and filled two recycled candle containers in a very beautiful shade of green.

Thanks to all who cooked, who came, who cleaned and who collaborated to remind one another that food is love.

We shared this blessing together:

May we always look
out for one another
May we always be willing to go
the extra mile in search of water,
not only for ourselves
but for the sake of the other. 

May we never forget
we were made to be in community,
never made to do this life alone.
Your small act of being present
will go a long way.

May we only continue to grow 
and learn from each other.
As elephants living together 
learn from one another, 
let’s embrace the wisdom
of those who came before us.

Let us hold dear
all of the notes of survival
that have been passed down and shared among us.

May we never forget 
that the greatest gift 
we have to give to another
is love.

-Morgan Harper Nichols
(You Are Only Just Beginning)