Podcasts to Drive To

Podcasts to Drive To [summer 2023]

This past August I took the month for sabbatical. For radical rest and reconnection with myself and with the land. So I naturally headed deep into the West.

I love the West.

I love the mountains, the plains, the summer thunderstorms, the wide open spaces where vast clouds kiss the far away horizon. I love the bigness of the landscapes. It invites you to ponder your smallness. I welcome this.

Having a great soundtrack for your drive is ESSENTIAL.

So I have included the podcasts that made driving 1000s of miles go by quickly!

Modern West: (Season 2 is a good beginning)
If everyone leaves home who will be left to mind the town?
Excellent commentary and questions on preserving communities before they become ghost towns. I am loving every season of this podcast from Wyoming Public Media, but season 2 is a great place to start.

Will there be enough water not only for the west, but for our country in the future?
This podcast provides deep research and interviews to dig in to the water problems particularly along the Colorado River. A true gem from Colorado Public Radio.

Did you grow up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie? If you were a kid growing up in the 80’s & 90’s you did! This podcast examines the life and landscape of the authors of one of America’s most beloved Pioneer Tails. What do libertarians have to do with a kids novel? take a listen and find out!

What do you do with your existential questions about the future? Some people take drugs or psychedelics. Some people bottle them up and attempt to live forever. Or at least create a religion so in the future people will be smart enough to revive them or rather help achieve the first case of resurrection outside of Jesus. Season 2 of the Seeking podcast takes time on the margins of futurism and those who are trying to live forever. Lots to think about here.

Driving long distances allows me to settle my mind and explore some of the bigger questions of life and faith. My sabbatical allowed me time to curate what listening, learning and resting I wanted to do for 30 days. I am hoping that I continue to be mindful about what I am consuming not just when I’m on break, but each day of my commute.

What podcasts have been helping you dig deeper or pass the miles quicker?