Fill the Food Boxes for Fall!

At our monthly Dinner Church we collect food donations for the 4 food boxes we fill on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Bellingham. It’s fall and folks are needing shelf stable food, and fruits and vegetables that can stand the fluctuating weather. We are grateful for the work of the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters to bring nourishment (and love) to their neighbors in need. Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase foods to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).

Last month we filled the Northwest box first, and then after filling the other 3 we went back around in what we call the “great bean migration” to ensure that each box has a mix of different types of foods, and found that the box in that 30 minutes had been almost completely accessed! So filling the boxes and feeding others is needed more than ever, especially at the end of the month when money is tight. Thank you, thank you for your contributions!

We’ll collect our next donations at Dinner Church on October 23rd!

Fall Food Box Needs
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

Check out the full list of needed items for the boxes here!

Fall Equinox Blessing

Sunset from Deception Pass State Park, Whidbey Island, WA. (September 2023)

Fall Equinox Blessing

I do not know if the seasons remember their history or if the days and nights by which we count time remember their own passing.

I do not know if the oak tree remembers its planting or if the pine remembers its slow climb toward sun and stars.

I do not know if the squirrel remembers last fall's gathering or if the bluejay remembers the meaning of snow.

I do not know if the air remembers September or if the night remembers the moon.

I do not know if the earth remembers the flowers from last spring or if the evergreen remembers that it shall stay so.

Perhaps that is the reason for our births -- to be the memory for creation.

Perhaps salvation is something very different than anyone ever expected.

Perhaps this will be the only question we will have to answer:

“What can you tell me about September?"

-By Burton D. Carley

Shared at our Wild Church on Whidbey Island, September 22, 2023

Fill the Food Boxes with Us!


At our monthly dinner church we collect food donations for the 4 food boxes we fill on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Bellingham. We are grateful for the work of the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters to bring nourishment (and love) to their neighbors in need. Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase foods to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).

Check out the full list of needed items for the boxes here!

Thank you for bringing your food or monetary donations, or helping us deliver them to the boxes. We are grateful to each of you who have helped!

Podcasts to Drive To

Podcasts to Drive To [summer 2023]

This past August I took the month for sabbatical. For radical rest and reconnection with myself and with the land. So I naturally headed deep into the West.

I love the West.

I love the mountains, the plains, the summer thunderstorms, the wide open spaces where vast clouds kiss the far away horizon. I love the bigness of the landscapes. It invites you to ponder your smallness. I welcome this.

Having a great soundtrack for your drive is ESSENTIAL.

So I have included the podcasts that made driving 1000s of miles go by quickly!

Modern West: (Season 2 is a good beginning)
If everyone leaves home who will be left to mind the town?
Excellent commentary and questions on preserving communities before they become ghost towns. I am loving every season of this podcast from Wyoming Public Media, but season 2 is a great place to start.

Will there be enough water not only for the west, but for our country in the future?
This podcast provides deep research and interviews to dig in to the water problems particularly along the Colorado River. A true gem from Colorado Public Radio.

Did you grow up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie? If you were a kid growing up in the 80’s & 90’s you did! This podcast examines the life and landscape of the authors of one of America’s most beloved Pioneer Tails. What do libertarians have to do with a kids novel? take a listen and find out!

What do you do with your existential questions about the future? Some people take drugs or psychedelics. Some people bottle them up and attempt to live forever. Or at least create a religion so in the future people will be smart enough to revive them or rather help achieve the first case of resurrection outside of Jesus. Season 2 of the Seeking podcast takes time on the margins of futurism and those who are trying to live forever. Lots to think about here.

Driving long distances allows me to settle my mind and explore some of the bigger questions of life and faith. My sabbatical allowed me time to curate what listening, learning and resting I wanted to do for 30 days. I am hoping that I continue to be mindful about what I am consuming not just when I’m on break, but each day of my commute.

What podcasts have been helping you dig deeper or pass the miles quicker?

A Summer Blessing

Sunset from Taylor Dock, in Bellingham, WA. (July 2023)

A Summer Blessing

Blessed are you, summer,
season of long days and short nights,
you pour forth light from your golden orb,
energizing the earth and calling forth growth.

Blessed are you summer,
with your generous gift of heat.
Your warm breath animates creation,
encouraging all growing things to stretch toward the sun.

Blessed are you, summer,
you call us into playfulness,
encouraging us to pause from work.
You renew our spirits.

Blessed are you, gracious season of summer,
you surprise us with a variety of gifts from the earth.
We, too, gaze into the earth of ourselves,
beholding gifts waiting to be honored.

Blessed are you, nurturing season of summer,
your fruits and vegetables appear on our tables,
changing them into altars.
Tasting of your life, we are made strong.

Blessed are you, summer,
host of a star that shines with passion.
Sun-soaked, we reach for your energy
that drives us upward and onward.

Blessed are you, sacrament of summer,
nature’s green season, sweet echo of spring.
You speak to us in living color as you renew the earth
with symbols of life for our bodies and souls.

Blessed are you, summer,
season of roots that reach for water.
Even through the cracks in the sidewalk
the song of your seed can be heard.

Blessed are you, summer,
season rooted in reality.
Even as the perspiration collects on our brow,
we experience your earthly joy.

Blessed are you, summer,
and your firefly evenings
you minister to the child in us.
You feed our hunger for beauty.

-Joyce Rupp & Macrina Wiederkehr

Help Us Fill Our Food Boxes!

Thank You for the Donations to the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters Boxes @ Dinner Church on 7/24!

Thank you again to all who donated food and funds to support the work of Birchwood Food Desert Fighters. We were able to stock the boxes FULL for the end of the month, when many folks need extra help to make their supplies last until a new month begins.
Thank You.

We will collect donations for the food boxes on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Donations needed include shelf stable beans, pasta, rice, noodles, canned vegetables & fruits, ready to eat meals, tuna, spices, snacks and any bounty you have from your garden!

Bring your donations to Dinner Church on 8/28.

Pride Blessings 2023

Celebrating 10 Years @ Bellingham Pride!

to everyone who participated, tabled, walked, prayed and rooted for our time at Bellingham Pride in 2023! We couldn't have done it without you.
We gave out so many zines, tattoos, stickers and candy to our community!
It's always important remind our community that they matter & that God loves them, no exceptions. 

And its always important to celebrate when you make it 10 years! Here’s to 10 more!

A Pride Blessing

Beloved, there is only love.

In you, only love.
Around you, only love.

Not a touchy-feely, pop song kind of love.
But a love that knows every secret corner
of your fragile, fabulous being and says, “Yes!”

“Yes!” to your difference.

“Yes!” to your diversity.

“Yes!” to your desire.

Whoever you are,
whatever beautiful spirit
God created you to be,
shine fearlessly and courageously.

We need you
and the divine light within you
to sparkle through the prism of your body
and brighten the world
with a glorious rainbow.

Never forget you are loved.
Fiercely and forever.

-Written by St. John’s Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CA

Echoes Turns 10 & Makes a Zine!

Echoes turns 10 and makes a zine with the theme 10!

Why would a church make a Zine (handmade magazine)?

Because if liturgy is the work of the people, and zines include the art of the people, then why not combine the two and make a liturgy of the people!

In the Spring of 2023 we set out to make our 6th zine for the community of Bellingham in time for our anniversary at Bellingham Pride in the summer ofJuly! We handed over 80 of them (and over 100 of our Pride zines) while tabling at Pride! We were delighted to share our art, writing, collages from our community specifically at Creative Church. We had a submission from a kiddo and from a neighbor who we have helped keep out of homelessness.

Here is from the Intro:

10 years.
A Decade.

We were founded at Bellingham Pride in 2013 and since then, we have been spreading love and fighting christian intolerance as a reminder that hate has no place here in Bellingham, wa or anywhere.

As we reflect on our 10 years we wonder

how do we mark time?

What difference does a decade make?

how can we be encouraged?

what will the world be like in 10 more years?

we hope this zine pondering on the theme of 10, X, A decade etc. will get you thinking about how you are

observing time

passing time

or just

taking it one day at a time...

Special Thank You to Torie for helping to put together the zine!

Filling Food Boxes!

Food Donations Collected 5/22 @ Dinner Church

At our monthly dinner church we collect food donations for the 4 food boxes we fill on the 4th Tuesday of the month in Bellingham. We are grateful for the work of the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters to bring nourishment (and love) to their neighbors in need.
Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase foods that are still needed to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).

If you would like to help with delivery, let us know!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far!

Spring Food Box Needs

granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in heat  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice

Check out the full list of needed items for Spring here!

Our next collection will be at Dinner Church on June 26th!

Contribute to our ZINE: Theme 10

We're in process of creating a special zine (handmade magazine) to celebrate our 10 year anniversary at Bellingham Pride this summer!

We'd LOVE to have your submissions of art, photography, collage, poetry, mixed media, paintings, writing, songs, you name it!
Submissions are due by May 15, 2023 (Monday)!

So please send a high quality photo of your submission or contact us about getting a physical copy to us at

Submit your piece to be a part of this special zine on the theme of 10!