6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church

“During a conversation, listening is as powerful as loving.” ― Amit Kalantri

Pub Church gathers in common space (across our sanctuary Bellingham) to engage in lively & respectful dialogue on all topics in an effort to remember that everyone & every idea has a place at the table.

Bring your ideas, opinions, questions and wonderings to our monthly Pub Church at Wander Brewing - 1807 Dean Ave Bellingham, Washington 98225

There is tasty food to purchase from the food truck on site, and we’ll have light snacks to share.
Bring yourself. Bring your questions. Bring your voice - to Pub Church!

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9:00 AM09:00

Service Church - Terrell Creek

We’ll join in with our friends at NSEA for a planting party!

You must register here:

Help us and the Whatcom Conservation District plant trees and shrubs along Terrell Creek at a long-term NSEA restoration site. Since 2002, NSEA has partnered with BP Cherry Point and various community groups like the Chums of Terrell Creek to restore stream habitat by removing invasive vegetation and replanting native trees and shrubs.

Terrell Creek not only provides cold, clean, and clear water essential for local coho and chum salmon populations, it also promotes healthy habitat for wildlife throughout the watershed including 170 bird species, steelhead, coastal and residential trout, and a diverse selection of Birch Bay shellfish.

Please note we are not the hosts of the event, just participants.
Please make sure to sign up to get the full details.

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5:30 PM17:30

Spring Equinox Wild Church

  • Lutherwood Camp & Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll gather on the shores of Lake Samish for our Spring Equinox Wild Church!

Our time together will be filled with wandering, fire, prayers, meditation and signs of spring awakening all around us. (and maybe even some smores!)

Join us in the big field near the lake after following the signs for parking/lodge. All ages are not just welcomed but encouraged. Pets may also enjoy wandering the grounds.

This is an all weather event, so dress in layers as the lake gets cooler as the sun goes down. We recommend shoes that can navigate all terrain so you can fully enjoy your time in nature’s sanctuary.

Location: Lutherwood Camp & Retreat Center 1185 Roy Rd, Bellingham, WA 98229

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions emma@echoesbellingham, we look forward to wandering with you!

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

Join Echoes for our monthly Dinner Church.

This month we’ll have an Italian inspired Spaghetti feast!

We will provide noodles & sauce (vegetarian & meat) and you provide an appetite and a Side, Dessert or Drink to Share!

Sides: Cheese, Salad, Dressings, Vegetables, Hot Sauce, Etc.
Drinks & Desserts

Here’s where you come in… Dinner Church only happens IN community, so your hands are as important as your heart in feeding those who come, including yourself! Join us at 6:00pm for set up & at 8:00pm for clean up.

While an RSVP is not necessary or required, we’d love to know if you are trying to make it so we can include you in our noodle count!

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions, or to let us know what you are bringing!

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6:00 PM18:00

Holy Week, Holy Wanderings

Join Echoes as we meander through Holy Week with some Holy Wanderings through downtown Bellingham taking pause to reflect on the sacred story of Jesus in his last days, in THIS place.

Holy Week is the Christian tradition of honoring Jesus’ last 7 days on earth that began with a Processional through his Holy City: Jerusalem and ended on a cross up the hill of Golgotha. Jesus ministry was firmly rooted and shaped by the city, context and region that he lived, worked and played in. It’s clear Jesus loves the city he calls home, and invites us to love our cities (including Bellingham) and the people who dwell in them too.

We’ll explore sacred scriptures as well as these questions:
How does the city cultivate your ideas of God?
How does the region shape your understanding & faith?
How can our bodies help us more deeply understand the hopes & challenges of the city we share?
How do we make space to grieve what we’ve lost over the past year including some favorite shops, restaurants & places in Bellingham?

It’s Holy Week, specifically Good Friday, come & its time for some Holy Wanderings through Downtown Bellingham!

We will meet at Waypoint Park for our wander and end downtown for some food and beverages.

Parking can be found in the lot at Waypoint Park 1145 Granary Avenue, Bellingham, WA, 98225

Please contact Pastor Emma with any questions or if you need to join us later in the wander

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2:00 PM14:00

Easter Walk Wild Church

Echoes’ yearly Easter Walk Wild Church wanders through downtown Bellingham honoring the stories of this place along Whatcom Creek that cradles Bellingham and the ancient stories of Jesus and his life and death and resurrection.

Starting @ City Hall, we’ll stop at several locations en route to Maritime Heritage Park along Whatcom Creek. At each stop we’ll read some of the Biblical story of the arrest, death, and return of Jesus, and provide a bridge from our own local history of the land we stand on and share. We’ll traverse paths, stairs, bridges and water ways before gathering around the Lummi-made totem pole of Salmon Woman to listen to this Coast Salish creation story and reminder that we are to protect Salmon woman’s children.

As it is Easter and we are reminded of the infinite possibilities that are presented on that day, we will share communion at the fish hatchery and bless the new life that is all around us and within us.

Around 3:45pm, following the Easter Walk Wild Church, we’ll meander to Structures Old Town for some light food and beverages and some time for Easter fellowship together!

All Are Welcome to wander and to reconnect this Easter.

Email Pastor Emma with any questions or to let us know you'll be walking with us:

We’ll begin at Bellingham City Hall 210 Lottie Street (parking is free on Sundays) and end at Maritime Heritage Park 500 W Holly St.

Stay tuned for more details.

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

Come Eat with Echoes! We will have our monthly culinary journey in community with Baked Potato Night!

We provide the SPUDS and you provide the toppings, sides and drinks!

Your help is needed to create the toppings bar & potluck the rest of our meal!
Toppings: Sour Cream, Cheese, Bacon, Green Onions, Croutons,
Sides: Salads, Vegetables (broccoli, corn, onions), Dips, Desserts
Drinks: Lemonade, Sparkle Water, Juice, Pop

As with every dinner church, the whole experience IS worship. So we can use your hands with set up @ 6:00pm & clean up @ 8:00pm.

Following in the patterns of Jesus we believe where two or three (or 20) are gathered is a sacred moment. We’ll have simple prayers, reflection, conversation and communion incorporated into this experience, so please come as you are (no religious experience necessary).

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5:30 PM17:30

Ash Wednesday

Echoes gathers for a special Ash Wednesday* outdoors @ sunset.
Engage with Earth. With Shore. With Sea. With Ash.

Taking time together to acknowledge our mortality and the blessing that is being here in the place another year is a gift.

Our Ash Wednesday worship recognizes that we come from the earth and as our sacred ground we take time to honor all that we receive from this place.
Together we come to receive ashes and remember: we come from dust, and to dust we shall return.

Receive Ashes & Remember.

*Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, or the 40 Days before Easter.

Location: Waypoint Park Beach: 1145 Granary Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Depending on the weather we will gather on the beach. There is a gravel parking lot across from the park with ample spaces.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

Join Echoes for our monthly Dinner Church. Where meeting around the table IS worship.

Our theme this month is Breakfast for Dinner with Waffle Church!

We’ve got the waffle batter and makers and you bring the toppings and breakfast fixins!

We will potluck the rest of the meal so please bring delicious items to top our waffles like: Berries, Syrups, Jams, Whipped Cream and Sides like eggs, potatoes, juice etc. (gluten free and dairy free items will be available)

At Dinner Church, there are many ways to worship including helping with set up (6:00pm) & clean up (8:00pm), we welcome your hands and heart!

This event is free and open to all. Please come and nourish yourself.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

We will also collect food (& monetary) donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters at Dinner Church on 2/24. Please bring shelf stable items (or monetary gifts) to share!

Birchwood Food Desert Fighters Food Box Needs - Shelf Stable Goods
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

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3:00 PM15:00

Wild Church

We’ll take a Wild Church Wander at Squires Lake. This will be a little different as we traverse a 1.5 mile-ish trail around a lake (plus beaver pond) with guided questions and reading along the way.

Kids and pets are welcome and encouraged on this one.

We encourage you to dress for potential muddy and also hilly terrain. Shoes with tread recommended. Dress in layers and you may get warm as we traverse a small hill. This is a rain or shine event so please dress accordingly and note that much of the trails is tree covered.

Parking is limited, carpool is encouraged. Or you can also park along the road where there is room.

Location: Squires Lake Park - 2510 Nulle Road Bellingham, WA 98229

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6:30 PM18:30

Game Night

  • Filling Station - Sunnyland Station (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Echoes for a casual game night! Bring your favorite group game that you enjoy playing!

We’ll meet at The Filling Station (Sunnyland) which has yummy burgers and shakes (vegetarian & gluten free options available) to play simple table games in community!

Since it’s President’s Day, we are just getting together to enjoy tasty food, so come ready to play collaboratively!

Bring along any games you think might be easy to teach/play/clean up and we’ll see what happens :)

Location: The Filling Station - (Sunnyland) 716 Alabama St, Bellingham, WA 98225

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6:30 PM18:30

Creative Church

We’ll gather for a LOVEly Creative Church, just in time for Valentines Day!

Come experiment with love letters to your self or others as we explore calligraphy and the art of name writing!

We'll provide the supplies (markers, pens, blank cards & paper) simple instructions on the art of calligraphy and you bring your unique creativity! If you want to write a name on something special or specific you are welcome to bring that with you. No calligraphy experience is needed, just an open heart to remembering that you are beLOVED.

Location: 2116 Walnut Street, Bellingham, WA 98225
This gathering is free, but we always appreciate donations to keep community events like these going!

Contact Echoes & Pastor Emma with any questions,

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church

Join Echoes for our monthly Pub Church where conversation matters.

We gather to discuss different topics allowing room for the spiritual lens at our tables. Bring your thoughts, opinions, faith (or no faith) to this time together in community.
All are welcome, we mean it, just come.

We’ll be at the big tables in the back, and come hungry as this brewery has delicious pizza (gluten free and vegan available).

Location-Larrabee Lager Co. - 4151 Guide Meridian Rd #100, Bellingham, WA 98226

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

We need community, now more than ever. We believe that community can be found around the table. Join our monthly Dinner Church, as we gather to FEAST together AS worship.

Echoes will provide a delicious vegetable soup! You are invited to bring a side dish, beverage or dessert to share, but not necessary, most importantly bring yourself!

We are delighted to welcome back Pastor Charis, the FOUNDER of Echoes to facilitate our table conversation and worship! Charis is currently the Pastor of Burlington Lutheran Church, doing amazing loving things for the community in Skagit Valley! We are grateful for her leadership while Pastor Emma is away.

Location: 2116 Walnut Street, Bellingham WA 98225
This event is free, accessible and open to all.

Donations will be collected for the Food Boxes we fill with the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Please bring shelf stable items that are easy to open, eat or prepare and can withstand the cold for our neighbors in need.

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6:30 PM18:30

Creative Church - online

Creative Church welcomes you to come and create together IN community ONLINE!

Each month we gather to flex our creative muscles, because when we do so, spiritual practices that nourish emerge as well!

As 2025 is here, and we have had some days to ponder what new rituals, practices and revealings we hope to bring into our life, come craft Vision Boards or Bingo Cards online!
What do you envision for the coming year? What do you hope for your journey in the days ahead? Come create a Vision Board of collage materials, words and pictures or a Bingo Card of things that you hope to do/accomplish/reach in the 52 weeks of the year (don’t forget the FREE SPACE!)

Now is a great time to gather some magazines, newspapers, wrapping paper, pictures, words etc that could be used in your 2025 vision board. Or if you are creating a Bingo Card, begin to envision how that design might look.

What’s a Vision Board?
What’s a New Year Bingo Card?

All are welcome to come create with us online.
No experience needed, just a desire to create in (online) community.

Join Zoom Meeting

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions!

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2:00 PM14:00

Wild Church

“Wisdom Comes with Winters.”
-Oscar Wilde

We’ll gather outdoors, honoring the new year, embracing the winter season and enjoying an OLD Whatcom County Park that may be new to you! Join Echoes at Berthusen Park for a Wild Church with lots of space to wander & roam on the lush trails between old growth firs, hemlocks & cedars.

All are invited to come and join us for our monthly Wild Church. The Forest is our sanctuary and the bulk of our time will be spent listening and engaging in conversation with nature. If you've been in need of some forest bathing, come and be awash with tall wise trees.

Location: Berthusen Park- 8837 Berthusen Rd, Lynden, WA 98264

This is an all weather event (unless its very windy or snowy) so dress in layers and be prepared for possibly wet/muddy trails. Bring what you need to be comfortable including water bottle, writing materials, chair etc. There is a bathroom facility on site.

Please contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Movie Church

Join Echoes for Movie Church! Together, we will be watching the Children of the Setting Sun film - Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life. We’ll gather to watch a movie together and discuss it afterwards. All are welcome to join us for this showing.

Scha'nexw Elhtal'nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life is an hour-long documentary inspired by the late Chexanexwh Larry Kinley, a Lummi fisherman and tribal leader who promoted sovereignty. 

The film follows two Lummi families fishing for sockeye. As they navigate climate change and a depleting fishery, Larry asks: “Who Are We Without Salmon?”. Celebrating the resilience and adaptive natures of salmon and the people, the film is a spiritual reflection on a lifeway centered on respect and gratitude for salmon.

As a community who thinks a lot about salmon, we hope you will come think about salmon and it’s people with us at Movie Church. Snacks will be provided.

Learn more about the film here:

Come watch, learn and discuss with us!

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church

“Life is a conversation. Make it a good one.”
-Glennon Doyle Melton

There’s room for everyone at our monthly Pub Church gathering!

We need your voice, and your spirit at this conversation that covers topics of all types. Topics that matter.

This month’s location: El Sueñito Brewing: 1926 Humboldt St, Bellingham, WA 98225

This queer owned brewery has a delicious full Mexican food menu with vegetarian and gluten free options, so come hungry!

(We will try to get a table inside, but please dress in layer in case we are outside under the heat lamps).

Please contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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8:00 PM20:00

Christmas Eve - online

“Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past.
Today's Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday.”

- Gladys Bagg Taber

We’ll gather online to create a bridge between the ancient story of Jesus’ birth and the reality of the birthplace of Jesus right now. Join us in celebrating the coming of love through Jesus as we engage scripture, story, video and reflection from right where we are, online.

This service is open to all and gives you space on Christmas Eve to remember and recall that Love can transcend everything and build bridges to connect seperated places and people. We need Christmas now more than ever.

We hope to see you online: Zoom link Here.

There is room at the inn. Join Us.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

We will gather for a special Advent/Christmas Dinner Church.

We’ll have simple Tomato Soup & Grilled Cheese, the ultimate comfort meal, made for you :)

(gluten & dairy free options will be provided)

Come bathe in the light of the Advent season at a table that is truly open to all.

At Echoes eating together, saying simple prayers, listening to one another IS worship.
Come and Eat.

We’re keeping this Dinner Church simple, so feel free to bring something to share, but it’s not required. We’d love to see you in community on this monday before Christmas!
If you would like to help set up join us at 6:00pm or stick around after to aid in clean up at 8:00pm.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

We will collect Food Donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters at Dinner Church for delivery on 12/24. Our neighbors need to eat too during this season. Bring your shelf stable donations (or funds) and we’ll make sure they stock the boxes!

Food Box Needs - Shelf Stable
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

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6:30 PM18:30

Winter Solstice Wild Church - Spiral Walk

We’ll gather for Wild Church on Winter Solstice for an opportunity to wander in a spiral of evergreen boughs as we make our way towards Christmas.

Walk the Sacred Spiral

The seasonal change is upon us and we invite you to honor the winter solstice with a spiral walk. The spiral will be lit with candles as a space to pray, to reflect and to meditate on this sacred time before Christmas.

All are welcome to walk, sit, pray or meditate to guitar in a candle bathed holy space.
This is a drop in event, so come anytime between 6:30-8:00pm as your spirit needs.

If weather permits there will also be space to walk a labyrinth/spiral outside.

The last three years we had snow or heavy rains on our winter solstice wild church, so we’re hoping planning an indoor/outdoor opportunity will help with this.

Location: Faith Lutheran Church -2750 McLeod Rd, Bellingham, WA 98225 (There is ample parking, with entrance off of the lot.)

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church

  • Kulshan Brewing Co - Sunnyland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We’ll gather in community for conversation because that too can be a holy space.
Join Echoes for Pub Church @ Kulshan Brewing - Sunnyland (James Street).

All are welcome to an open discussion that needs you and your thoughts, opinions and prayers!

Location: Kulshan Brewing Co. (Sunnyland) - 2238 James Street, Bellingham WA 98225

We’ll have snacks to share, and there is a Food Truck onsite with yummy eats via Outpost Eats

Depending on our group size we may be outside, so dress in layers in case we are under heat lamps.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Meditative Service

“We do not think ourselves into a new way of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”
-Richard Rohr, Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for Advent

Gather with Echoes for a time of meditation, prayer and quiet reflection by candlelight.

In the season of Advent we are invited to taken on an unhurried posture. The quickness of which the world wants to move to Christmas reminds us that journeying with Jesus is a different pace. Taking time to hear the story before the birth of Love in the world is time worth taking. Let’s live our way into new ways of thinking with love at the center, Slowly.

This season is busy, come slow down. Light a Candle. Be.

We’ll have different experiential prayer stations for you to take what you need in a sacred space.
All are welcome and invited just as you are. We’ve got room.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Creative Church - Advent Wreaths

“Advent* is designed to show that the meaning of Christmas is diminished to the vanishing point if we are not willing to take a fearless inventory of the darkness.”
Fleming Rutledge

*Old English aduent, from Latin adventus ‘arrival’, from advenire, from ad- ‘to’ + venire ‘come’.

We will gather for the ancient practice to begin the waiting season before Christmas with creating Advent Wreaths (or candle holder)! Supplies of evergreen boughs, pinecones, simple seasonal decorations, ribbons and more will be available so you can create your own countdown with candles.

We’ll provide the greenery and candles and you provide the creativity to create your own wreath or candle holder to help you in your waiting until December 25th.

This event is FREE and open to all! (Suggested Donation of $5 to help with supplies)

If you have greenery, branches, boughs or Christmas craft supplies you want to donate, BRING THEM!

Location: 2116 Walnut Street, Bellingham, WA 98227

Email Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church - Dipsgiving

It’s Friendsgiving at Echoes! And this year we’re focusing on DIPS!
This month’s Dinner Church falls a few days before Thanksgiving, so the delicious theme is Dipsgiving!

Bring your FAVORITE DIP and chip/veggie/bread to be the vehicle for your dip to Dinner Church!
We will have vegetarian options, and we invite you to bring a dip that meets your dietary needs.

Suggested: Chips & Salsa, Spinach Artichoke Dip, Crab Dip, 7 Layer Dip, Hummus and Vegetables Dip, Queso Dip, Onion Dip, Dessert Dip, the ideas are endless, just bring what you love.

All are welcome to this gathering where dinner IS worship. No religious experience, membership or spiritual background or even a dip required. Just bring yourself, we’ll have enough.

At Dinner Church the set up and the clean up is part of the experience, so come early (6:00pm) or stay later (8:00pm), we can use your hands even just for a few minutes.

Following in the ways of Jesus often just means gathering around the table, conversing with one another. Come and Eat.

We will be collecting donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters on 11/25 @ Dinner Church. Please bring shelf stable food items, fruits, vegetables and tasty items to share food because it is love, to place in the food boxes in north Bellingham!

 Food Box Needs
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Service Church - In person & Online

  • Lutheran Community Services Northwest (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Echoes for a time together crafting Hope for the Holidays! We’ll gather in community for a night of card making and writing to refugees and seniors in our community and world who needs words of encouragement and inspiration!

There will also be an online option for you to write cards from your home!
Zoom Link:

We’ll provide the cards and card making supplies and you bring your hands and kind words!
All are invited to join in this night of simple service that makes a world of difference. We know things are feeling heavy, so taking time to lift others up is a blessing.

We are excited to partner once again with Global Refuge on their Hope for the Holidays card drive

And also with Lutheran Community Service Northwest and their Santa For Seniors program

At Echoes we believe that Serving others is church so come and join us regardless of your religious background or experience!

Location: Lutheran Community Services Northwest 925 N Forest St, Bellingham, WA 98225

(You can park in the parking lot across the street on Forest Street, and enter from the side door off of E Laurel Street between State & Forest Street. Look for Echoes signs).

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Creative Church

“Know that darkness is merely the absence of light. You can be the small candle that defeats the vast darkness.” Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We invite you to join us for our Creative Church! All are welcome to come and explore crafting with candles! Paint, Splatter, Bend or Dip Dye your very own candles that will be able to shine light that is as unique as you!

This month we’ll be reflecting and meditating on the light in darkness. With the sun setting earlier and the seasons changing its important to make space to prepare your heart and home to have more light in it.

Candle crafting is an ancient practice that we can still offer us much wisdom in these times. Connect with your hands, with your community and with your feelings at Creative Church.

This event is free and open to all ($5 donation suggested). Candle supplies will be provided for you to craft with and also take home 2 candles. If you have candles that you would like to work with from home you are welcome to bring them!

You are also welcome to just bring yourself and a craft of your choosing to do with others.
We’ll provide tea and cocoa, & space for whatever your feeling.

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church (Election Day 2/2)

“This is how the world changes - little by little, table by table, meal by meal, hour by hour. This is how we chip away at isolation, loneliness, fear. This is how we connect, in big and small ways - we do it around the table.” -Shauna Niequist

It’s Election Day so we’re hosting a special/casual Pub Church to create space for community amidst any and all of the feelings you are having about the local and national election!

This one will specifically be NOT FOCUSING on the election, and is a place for community and conversation. Larrabee Lager Co. has delicious pizza (gluten free & vegetarian available) and beverages for purchase. They make an excellent lager, but also have non-alcoholic options to choose from.
All ages welcome at this brewery.

We will also be gathering on Voting Day for Pub Church on Monday November 4th, so join us for one or both!

Location: Larrabee Lager Company: 4151 Guide Meridian Rd #100, Bellingham, WA 98226

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church (Voting Day 1/2)

“This is the power of gathering: it inspires us delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive.” - Alice Waters

Pub Church gathers because having conversations about what matters (our bodies, our minds our planet) are not only worthy of discussion but count AS church. At Echoes no religious affiliation or background is needed, just your thoughts, feelings and opinions. We believe transformation happens around a table. Come and chat.

It’s Voting Day so we’re hosting a special Pub Church to find space for community amidst the anxiousness! We will be discussing the upcoming election, so know that we believe there is room for all respectful dialogue at our table. Snacks provided!

Location: Wander Brewing - 1807 Dean Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Wander has beer and non-alcoholic beverages for purchase. There is a food truck on site to purchase burgers from Luchadora!
All ages welcome at this brewery.

We encourage you to fill out your ballot and drop it off on your way to Pub Church (ballot boxes close at 8pm on Tuesday 11/5).

We will also be gathering on Election Day in a casual Pub Church setting on Tuesday, November 5th, so join us for one or both!

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11:00 AM11:00

Wild Church - Blessing of the Animals

Wild Church welcomes all creatures of all sizes to come for a Blessing of the Animals!

We’ll gather at Lake Padden near the covered area at the south end of the lake (before the Dog Park) for a time with to bless our furry friends and the creatures of this place we call home.

If your animal is a bit shy or a bit reactive you are welcome to bring a photo of them to be blessed, we don’t want to add any extra stress to your beloved companion. (We've done blessings with pets in their cars, on facetime or photograph, so just ask and we will make a way)

This is a rain or shine event, so please come dressed for late Fall weather.

All are invited to this special event that blesses the animals in our lives and world, who enhance our personal experience in ways BIG & small.

Location: Lake Padden Park - 4882 S Samish Way, Bellingham, WA 98226

Email Pastor Emma with any questions

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6:30 PM18:30

Dinner Church

Eating Together nourishes not only body but soul! Come and join Echoes for our monthly Dinner Church.

This month we’ll have a special Salmon Feast featuring locally sourced salmon from the Lummi Seafood market.

Bring sides, vegetables, fruits, desserts, drinks or anything that invokes October to share in our Dinner Church.

Location: 2116 Walnut Street, Bellingham WA 98225

We will be collecting donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters on 10/28 @ Dinner Church. Please bring shelf stable food items, fruits, vegetables and tasty items to share some food AND love to place in the food boxes in north Bellingham!

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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8:00 PM20:00

Creative Church

Advice from a Pumpkin: Be well-rounded, Get plenty of sunshine, Give thanks for life's bounty, Have thick skin, Keep growing, Be outstanding in your field, & Think big.

Come get Creative with PUMPKINS!

Let's celebrate the bounty of the season with a time of pumpkin carving and painting in a relaxed communal setting. The Fall season can go quickly so we invite you to come slow down and make something with your hands. We might even roast the pumpkin seeds too.

Bring your creativity and leave with your very own unique pumpkin creation!

Snacks & Pumpkins will be provided ($5 donation suggested).
Location: 2750 McLeod Road, Bellingham WA 98225 (Faith Lutheran Church)

All ages and skill levels welcome.
Contact Pastor Emma with any questions

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12:00 PM12:00

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch!

Come join Echoes for a trip to the Pumpkin Patch Sunday, October 20th - Bellewood Farms - 6140 Guide Meridian Rd Lynden, WA 98264

We'll be there from noon to 1:30pm, so feel free to drop in and walk around whether you’re searching for the perfect pumpkin or some apples!

We'll get to enjoy each other's company and pick out some pumpkins for Creative Church the next day (see description below)! There is also a distillery, snacks and apple picking on site, so they have little something for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you there (this gathering is rain or shine/wear your boots!)

Bring your pumpkins to carve or paint at Creative Church on Monday, October 21st @ 6:30pm - 2750 McLeod Rd, Bellingham WA 98225)

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6:00 PM18:00

Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

We’ll gather in community for Indigenous Peoples Day with tribes and other community organizations.
The theme of this year’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day is One People. This year’s event is about healing and unity. “Netse Mot,” or “One heart, one mind,” reflects our commitment to shared humanity and values of gratitude, generosity, and respect in a divided world. Let us reflect on our commitment to come together as a unified community to defeat political unrest, cultural differences, war, and climate change. Join us on Indigenous Peoples’ Day as one people.

The original intention of Indigenous Peoples’ Day was to acknowledge the contributions of the first caretakers of this land. This continues to be true and this year’s event furthers this goal by centering the leadership and knowledge Indigenous people bring forward to address today’s pressing issues. We hope you join in on listening and participating in the dialogue!

Come enjoy a delicious salmon dinner and hear from Indigenous Voices and Stories.

5:00pm - Salmon Dinner
6:00pm - Program

  • Opening ceremony – Blackhawk Singers and Dancers

  • Welcome – Lummi Nation School Student Leaders

  • Keynote Speaker – Ta’Kaiya Blaney - actress, singer, speaker & environmental activist from the Tla A’min Nation in B.C.

  • Discussion panel featuring Lummi Nation School Leaders

  • Closing ceremony – Blackhawk Singers and Dancers

This event is free and open to all.

Stay tuned for more details.
(Please note we are not the host of this event, just attendees & supporters of this community gathering)

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6:30 PM18:30

Pub Church

Join Echoes for Pub Church this month @ Menace Brewing.

We’ll have snacks, beverages (non alcoholic available) and a conversation around a big table (or two) about things that not only matter, but deserve more time and attention. All viewpoints and questions are welcome so come and converse regardless of spiritual or religious background/affiliation!
Deep Sharing invites Deep Listening - come converse w/ Echoes!

Depending on size and weather we may meet outdoors under the tents & heat lamps, so please dress in layers/bring a coat just in case.

Location: Menace Brewing - 2529 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA 98225

Questions? Contact Pastor Emma

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