Dinner Church is an opportunity to gather around the table because eating together IS worship.

We begin with introductions, prayer, and Land Acknowledgement before sharing in the meal! We share in readings, videos, conversation and song before partaking in the feast: communion.

Since this is a communal meal the set up and the clean up is also a part of the gathering. Participants lend a hand preparing the space for hospitality. It’s a truly grand experiment in making space for everyone to feed and be fed.

"The responsibility of the church is to is to set tables that are spaces of healing of divisions and that subvert cultural divisions, and instead unify the church as a single body that cares for one another’s needs.There’s a profound vulnerability and a profound trust required for the church to do that well.But I think that is the work the church is called to and that is how we take part in establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth today."

-Kendall Vanderslice

At Echoes we believe that nourishment isn’t just for ourselves but for everyone. So at each Dinner Church we collect shelf stable food donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters.

Gathering together to eat and converse is transformational. We believe that gatherings like Dinner Church that encourage & celebrate feasting follows directly in the ways of Jesus.
Keep setting tables friends.
See when Dinner Church meets on our Events Page.

Dinner Church Resources We Utilize:

-Dinner Church Collective https://www.dinnerchurch.com/

-Edible Theology https://www.kendallvanderslice.com/