Boxes Filled with Love

Whether sharing the table at Dinner Church or filling the food boxes of our neighbors, at Echoes we believe that Food is Love. With your help and donations we can fill boxes that serve a food desert in the Birchwood neighborhood. Donations are collected on the 4th Tuesday of the month for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters

Together we can help fill a need for our neighbors

Monetary donations/gifts are welcome to purchase foods that are still needed to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).


Summer Food Box Needs
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

2024 Trashion Show Eco-Chic Echoes Outfit!

Bellingham Blooms

30 Hours, 600 Hymn Sheets, 13 People & Infinite Glue Sticks Later...
Echoes created a Rainbow Trashion Show Success!

While we didn't win a prize, this 2024 Trashion Show collaboration was all about community, and we were overjoyed to interact with so many people who were seeing these re/upcycled hymns. May this dress be a reminder that every expression of authenticity and boldness and love, is DIVINE!

Our "Bellingham Blooms" submission was a tribute to our founding at Bellingham Pride and our commitment to seeing the beauty in making old things new.

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this fabulous fundraiser to support Habitat for Humanity Whatcom County and their efforts to create more affordable housing! This experience of creative re-use was a fantastic reminder to use what we have and see the treasures all around us!

We are delighted to be featured in the Cascadia Daily Article that showcases the many wonderful outfits!
Photo by Cocoa Laney from said article above

Creating a Trashion Show Look: A Labor of Love & Sustainability

“Fashion also should be seen as an instrument of action, not simply as an object, in order for it to have the meaning it should have in culture.”

-Robert Covolo from Fashion Theology

At May's 2024 Creative Church we explored outward expression as we prepared an outfit collaboratively for the "Trashion Show" fundraiser which supports affordable housing in Whatcom County with Habitat for Humanity!

Together we disassembled old hymnals & song books and began their process of transformation into flowers for our dress! Everything with a past has potential usefulness, if we curate collaboratively its place in the future.

The dress will be composed of recycled materials, cardboard, tin, (clean) dog food bags, wire and as many rainbow paper flowers we can fit. It was and continues to be a labor of love, and we are grateful to everyone who has helped. We cannot wait to unveil it on the runway at the Trashion show on June 7th!

So why should a church make an outfit of recycled or repurposed materials?

Together we explored that clothing can express our values, our sensibility, who we are in relation to Bellingham and this place, as much as Bellingham has influenced who we are and what we do as a community!

As it says in 1 Timothy 6:7-8:

"For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content."

May we continue to use what we have in our care for creation and its creatures!

Feeding our Neighbors

At Echoes we believe that Food is Love. Help us share the love & feed our neighbors in north Bellingham when the need for foods of all kinds to make ends meet only continues to increase. At our monthly Dinner Church we will collect food donations for the food boxes we fill on the 4th Tuesday of the month for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters.

Together we can share food and fill bellies of our neighbors in need.

Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase foods that are still needed to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).


Spring Food Box Needs
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

Easter Walk 2024

We gathered on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to walk along Whatcom Creek for our annual Easter Walk! We shared stories of both the history of this region, while weaving in the stories of death, life and resurrection of the ancient past. We listened to the story of Salmon Woman and visited her totem and honored the promises made to her since time immemorial, which includes us. We promise to respect the salmon and not overfish or take them for granted. Life is Sacred. Water is Life. And protecting both is part of our calling.

We celebrated the salmon that flow along our cities waterways and cheered them on their journey as we remember our deep interconnectedness.

The Miracle
By Leslie Wharton

They say back in the day
You could walk across the river
On the backs of Salmon.
Like Jesus.

They say Jesus walked on water.
Maybe Jesus walked on the backs 
Of Salmon.
Maybe Salmon are the miracle.

Sharing Food & Filling Bellies

Help us feed our neighbors in north Bellingham when the need for shelf stable food is still great. At our monthly Dinner Church we will collect food donations for the food boxes we fill on the 4th Tuesday of the month for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters.

Together we can share food and fill bellies of our neighbors in need.
Monetary donations are also welcome to purchase foods that are still needed to round out each box (often ready to serve/eat meals).


Winter Food Box Needs
granola bars  |  canned / shelf stable milk  |  nuts  | canned/pouch meat/fish  |  canned beans  |  canned fruit  |  soups/stews  |  jerky  |  fruits / veggies stable in cold  |  oats  |  sauces  |  spices  |  tea / juice  |  parmesan cheese  |  syrup  |  sugar  |  cereal  |  tortillas  | sliced bread  |  rice |  salt / pepper

Ash Wednesday 2024

“Let the remember-ing
that we are dust
and to dust we will return
be a reckoning with our inseparable lives and deaths
be an apology for all we have chosen instead of each other
be a grounding in the promise
that we come from holy soil.
Holy dirt.
Holy dust.
Created good.”

-M. Jade Kaiser

As Lent began, at Echoes we found ways to get our spirits and our bodies ready for the season.

On Monday at Creative Church we burned palms and the things we wanted to release as we prepared to create art with ashes.

Taking time to create art with the ancient material of the earth reminds us of the beautiful things that God can and continues to make with the dust and with us, imperfect earthen vessels.

On Ash Wednesday we brought the ashes down to Waypoint Park Beach for a sunset service to mark our faces with dust as we remember where we come from and where we will return. It was chilly, but warmth was found together, in community.

This 40 Day season is about remembering we were created good and must remind ourselves of this even in our process of transformation. We gave thanks to the Earth that reminds us of this constantly, and daily at the rising & setting of the sun.

There is an old English word: Dustsceawung: (dust+iinspection) which is contemplation of the fact that dust used to be other things – the walls of a city, the chief of the guards, a book, a great tree: dust is always the ultimate destination.

May such contemplation loosen

the grip of our worldly desires.

Blessings to each of you as the winter makes way for spring.

Fuller Hearts & Pantries

Thank You for Your Donations to help make fuller hearts & pantries!

The end of the year brings many things, and were hoping full-er pantries can be one of them.
At this month's Dinner Church we collected food donations for the Birchwood Food Desert Fighters with your help.
Thank you for your support of those with food insecurity in northwest Bellingham.

Because Food IS love.

We'll collect donations in January, at our Dinner Church, Monday, January 29th @ 6:30pm.

Shelf stable food and seasonal vegetables & fruits gladly accepted!