Movies can bring people together. They can also help us understand ourselves, humanity, others, events, life, joy, darkness, etc, etc, etc, in powerful ways. We watch movies at Echoes to create community, invite discussion, and sometimes to prompt us to change.
This week's movie, however, is simply sheer enjoyment. Yes, it has an excellent storyline and remarkable theme of redemption, but that's not really why we're watching it. We're watching it because it's a classic silly Christmas movie.
Friends, join us for.....The Muppet Christmas Carol.
Yes, you read that right. Your dreams have come true. Muppets. Christmas. Friends. And, if you choose to stay a bit later after the movie, a white elephant gift exchange (bring one if you stay! rule: must be something you already own).
Send us a message to find out where we're meeting.
If you're able, bring some snacks!