Believing firmly that all of life can be lived within the context of worship, Echoes has only one explicit worship gathering per month. Safe enough for anyone to visit, and straightforward enough to know what's going on, we welcome anyone to the gathering and to the communion table - everyone is welcome. Really.
In each worship gathering we follow the pattern of "gathering, Word, meal, and sending," and we usually have some time set aside for personal reflection as well. We start with a little bit of silence, sing some songs (not professionally!), read and converse about Scripture, pray, and share communion. It's a relaxed time, with multiple voices being offered and shared.
The service starts at 6:30, will last for an hour, and there will be some snack time following.
Since this specific worship gathering is not happening on our normal date of the last Monday of the month (due to the last Monday in May being Memorial Day!), LOCATION IS AT A DIFFERENT PLACE!
For this specific worship gathering you can find us at the Center for S.A.C.R.Ed Change @ 713 E Sunset Drive. Parking is kind of limited, but you can park over at Jern's Funeral home if the spaces are full in the driveway.
Street view of 713 E Sunset, the Center for S.A.C.R.Ed Change. Yep, it looks like a normal house. If you're heading East on Sunset toward the hospital, it's the second house on the right just after you cross James Street.
A crude map for 'ya.
Echoes is developing. Come join us, help to create meaningful community and shape how we do things.