With the smoke and darker skies it feels like summer is waning...and yet we're still in the midst of the outdoor season (when it's not hazardous to be outside). Feel free to take a moment to pause and send prayer/love/good vibes to those fighting these raging fires in the West, and for all the life that is fleeing the flames. It's hard to imagine the depth and degree of loss. Homes and property are being consumed, while the toll on wildlife and plant life is unimaginable. We need healthy forests desperately.
With the fires as a backdrop, let us enjoy the beauty and sanctity of our own local forest. We'll meet at 10:30am at the trailhead for the Interurban Trail, on Old Fairhaven Parkway. Google maps says it's 1815 Old Fairhaven Parkway (link to specific location). The trail is wide enough to chat and walk.
“In addition to walking, let’s help take care of the place, shall we?”
The trash pick up will be light - nothing too slimy, heavy, or dangerous. Bring a garbage bag and maybe a pair of gloves. And one of those trash picker thingies if you have one. We'll be out for about an hour and a half, or longer if some are up for it.
If you have questions simply click on the "contact us" page and we'll get back to you.