“The discipline of creation, be it to paint, compose, write, is an effort towards wholeness.”
- Madeleine L'Engle
Join Echoes for our monthly opportunity to explore the sacred through art!
Creative Church is our community gathering that prioritizes making, crafting and exploring art & writing AS a spiritual discipline & life practice!
This month we are exploring the intersections of creativity & wildness as Creative & Wild Church join forces in St. Clair Park! This quaint park will be our starting & ending location, which is a great access point into Whatcom Falls Park for wandering art time!
We will have an assortment of art supplies, but we would welcome you to bring your own "canvas" (this could be an actual canvas, or writing paper/watercolor sheets, bristol board, newspaper, cardboard or other recycled materials!). The majority of our time together will be spent creating and wandering, so wear clothing that can keep you warm/cool and comfortable depending on the July weather. You are welcome to bring a chair or blanket to help better facilitate your [Wild] Creative Church experience.
Pets, Kids & Friends are welcome!
Help us spread the word and say your going on Facebook, or invite friends to come get creative with us!
Contact Pastor Emma with questions or for more information! emma@echoesbellingham.org