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Each month Echoes hosts a monthly gathering where we invite members from the larger Bellingham area to share about their lives.  Why are they here? What are they doing to make life better here in the ‘ham? How can we learn from them?

These conversations allow us to meet people living alongside us in the community that we may never otherwise get to know. ‘Hamster Church extends Echoes’ reach into Bellingham and also practices the value of neighborliness. There is no “other” in God.

“Sometimes the topics are uncomfortable, like when we heard from the homeless people and the trans person at different ‘Hamster Churches. People often face hardships and difficulties in their lives and that can be hard to listen to. But I always come away with more insight and compassion for people.” –John

Contributing to Echoes today, helps us to keep having these important conversations with our neighbors. It creates connections across perceived barriers and divides. Your gifts grow kindness and community.

Give to Echoes today!