In the beginning everything was in relationship,
and in the end everything will be in relationship again.
In the meantime, we live by hope.
-Jean Lanier
During times of BIG transitions, I live by hope.
Hope that the sun will return and sunsets will soon happen after 5pm.
Hope that even as things change, relationships can transcend time, space and distance.
Hope that spring will come again and flowers will bloom.
Hope that exciting (unknown) things are on the horizon that will bring a joy we can't even imagine.
Hope that we'll keep going, even if it's just day by day.
So as Echoes wades through this transition of saying goodbye in a formal sense to our founder and fearless leader Charis, I invite you to live by Hope with me. Hope that God still has exciting community for us to create in Bellingham together! Hope that the beautiful friendships that have formed will not only continue, but also forge new relationships with individuals we have not met yet.
Relationships are the core of Echoes' community and are what drew me to first come alongside you as a co-leader with Charis (and our first team with Victoria & Jory). I first encountered Echoes online (via Facebook) and thought it was an intriguing & forward thinking way to do/be community. Perhaps like you, it actually took me some time to make it to a Monday gathering, because in 2018 I was leading a Pub Theology group at the same time! So although scheduling was a challenge, God found a way, and eventually I made it to Echoes!
In late Spring of 2018 I was able to meet Charis at a live adventure storytelling podcast event. Our stories and paths crossed in a truly holy moment, and a few months later I was able to do some dreaming with Charis about what it might look like to co-lead Echoes. It was a bold move, not without challenges, but the collaboration that has happened, will always be something I cherish. To bring Creative Church to life, was something that was only possible through Echoes and the experimentation you all are constantly ready to try in order to invite individuals to get closer to God and their whole selves.
I couldn't do it without you all, thank you.
So here we are three years later (since I joined!), with yet another transition filled with Hope for Echoes. Fortunately it's not an ending, just a changing of leadership, and a shifting of the beautiful relationships that make this community whole. While I have some big hiking boots to fill, as I transition to leading Echoes (without Charis, something I'm not totally ready for myself) I know I don't walk this path alone. We are on this journey together, being led by a God who will never leave us. A God who will keep encouraging us as a faithful community even in uncertainty. A God who fosters relationships in unlikely ways with unique people. Thanks for being in relationship with us in these past 8.5 years.
I can't wait to see what's next with you all.
Infinite Blessings,