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Creative Church- ONLINE

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Join us in the Creative Church Zoom Room:

Creative Church is an opportunity to do creative life-giving work from right where we are, with the supplies we have, in an ONLINE worshipful setting. With all that’s going on in the world, its important to remember what role art can play in the transformation of our lives and world.

We will share, explore and create art for social change! Art is popping up in our cities with murals, on boarded up windows and businesses, and on the literal streets. Transformation of our world is possible, and art is a creative force to be reckoned with as we try to confront implicit bias and combat white supremacy.

Bring your favorite images that you have seen recently of creative art. Whether it's from your iphone, a recent protest, or the AP, let’s share powerful images with one another! Together we will utilize the online communications platform Zoom, to engage with our creative practices that can express our values and virtues. You can utilize an artistic practice you’ve been wanting to pick back up, or even try anew.

We will have time for introductions, prayer, artistic practice and closing reflection. Come and join us for this unique experimental process! All levels of artistic engagement are welcome!

Contact Pastor Emma with any questions (

If Zoom is new to you, just follow the instructions to get started. (Note: if you’re using a smartphone you can download the Zoom app through your app store.)