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Wild Church (online still)

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The roots intertwine. Beneath the surface of ecological desecration and racial oppression is a worldview of separation, where one species or sub-group of that species decides that they are at the top of a falsely-constructed pyramid. All others are feared, despised, blamed or valued only for their use by the dominant group.

This worldview is shifting. And those who were privileged by the old system will not surrender easily. Even those within ourselves...those we dare not face.

This moment: this is our call into Fullness, into our role in the Great Awakening, the Great Turning, as priest and cosmologist Thomas Berry says. The Kin-dom of God. The creation GROANS awaiting the redemption of OUR bodies...all bodies, all the beloveds of the Holy. All of them. And not only the creation, but we, ourselves, groan as if in labor pains. (Romans 8:19-23)

Richard Rohr observes, "Either we see the divine image in all created things, or we end up not seeing it at all. There is a first epiphany, and gradually the circle keeps moving outward, widening its embrace. " How we love any single being is how we love all beings. Wild Church is a spiritual practice of deepening love, listening to the Other, discovering and honoring our place in the whole system.

We will gather Monday evening to practice this presence.