Day 2 - PRIDE


“I discovered Echoes through the Bellingham Pride Festival, it had a booth set up there, along with a sign that said, ‘Seeking Wholeness, Not Harm.’…As a former churchgoer, I felt the need to step away when I came out as a lesbian and seriously began to reconcile my faith and sexuality. Finding Echoes when I did, felt like coming home. Six years later, and I am still a part of Echoes. What keeps me coming back is continually experiencing the radical welcome, acceptance and knowing that my presence matters…” --Callie

Pride matters. It really does. Echoes was founded at Bellingham’s Pride Festival and has continued to have a presence there ever since. We believe in the promise of radical welcome. We accept and honor you just as you were created. Just as you are.

Deep wounding from previous religious experiences are most often the norm for LGBTQ+ people. The traditional church has failed queer people forever.

This is why Echoes practices radical welcome. You are loved. You are beloved. Just as you are. No exceptions.

Help us to continue to practice being a place of wholeness for the LGBTQ+ community instead of a place of harm. Your gifts continue to help us be a community of welcome, of healing and of hope.

Give to Echoes Today!

Learn more about Echoe’s committment to Pride in our video!