“Engaging with nature has been a spiritual practice for me and a pathway to experience holy mystery in all seasons and types of creation. I love that Echoes provides a regular rhythm of setting aside time together to be quiet, listen, and notice what is humming in the natural world around us, within ourselves, and how we’re interconnected.” --Danielle
We know that we are part of God’s wonderful, diverse and complex creation. We are interwoven into this precious and fragile planet we call home. Echoes seeks to repair the disconnect between humans and the natural world, God’s first book of revelation.
Wild Church is a practice, a worshipful posture, and a way of re-connecting and re-membering ourselves and our place in Christ’s kin-dom.
“Being able to share insights, collective wisdom and this practice with the Echoes community has been a tremendous gift and I’m grateful for the ways it has helped cultivate awe and wonder and deepened my faith.” –Danielle
Your gifts to Echoes help us to reconnect with our natural home, God’s marvelous creation. All gifts are tax deductible. Return. Restore. Renew.